How much does Theresa Caputo charge for private psychic readings? 'Raising Spirits' star donates a s

LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK: Engaging with the spirit realm is no easy task, and a private session with 'Raising Spirits' star Theresa Caputo will cost you between $50 to $175, as per her

The final charge is based on variables like the location, the nature of the reading, and whether it's an individual or a group session. 

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Theresa emphasizes that her communication with spirits doesn't follow the conventional human way of exchanging words. Instead, she interprets signs and symbols sent by the spirits or senses their emotions, allowing her to establish a connection irrespective of language barriers.

"Spirit mostly speaks to me through a sixth sense—a kind of feeling and knowing. When I get information, it feels like very strong intuition, or recall," mentions the renowned psychic medium on her website. 

Notably, the proceeds generated from the readings hold a special purpose – they are either donated or directly contributed to the Long Island State Veterans Home through the Stony Brook Foundation and Meals on Wheels.

For those interested in knowing more about her work, 'Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits' premieres on January 25 at 9 pm ET on Lifetime.

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The show promises an all-encompassing journey, delving into Theresa's roles as a loyal friend, a dedicated mother, a cherished daughter, and a loving grandma. Beyond the familiar, the audience can anticipate an array of thrilling first-time adventures that will unfold throughout the series.

What happened to Larry Caputo?         

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Theresa's ex-husband, Larry Caputo, embarked on a fresh chapter of his life, choosing Santa Monica, California, after parting ways with the star of 'Long Island Medium'. He has maintained minimal contact with the psychic medium, seeing her only once since their spit.

However, the winds of change are blowing, and Larry's upcoming interactions with Theresa are poised to bring new dynamics and possibilities into their post-split relationship.

When did Theresa Caputo start seeing spirits? 

Theresa recounts that her ability to see and hear spirits dates back to the tender age of four. In her earlier years, the lack of control over this gift led to anxiety.

According to , Theresa continued to witness the presence of angels, loved ones, and guides on the other side while growing up in Hicksville, Long Island.

However, wasn't until her 20s that she unlocked the ability to engage in meaningful communication with these spiritual forces, marking a significant turning point in her life. 

What is 'Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits' all about?

In 'Theresa Caputo: Raising Spirits', viewers will join the psychic medium in her remarkable 10th year of touring for live shows and intimate sessions, extending her extraordinary gift to help loved ones navigate life after losing someone dear.

The Magilla Entertainment-produced show, which will premiere on Lifetime, is set to feature 20 episodes. 

Notably, Theresa previously graced the TLC reality series 'Long Island Medium' from 2011 to 2019, captivating audiences with her exceptional connection to the spirit world.
