Stars You Wouldn't Even Recognize Anymore

Daniel Day-Lewis is no stranger to morphing into other people and becoming a whole different character on screen (he's got three Oscars to prove it!), but his real-life transformation was something no one saw coming. You'll likely recall how, in June 2017, Day-Lewis suddenly quit acting without much of an explanation. At the time, his spokesperson simply told Variety, "Daniel Day-Lewis will no longer be working as an actor." 

No official reason was given, and when Day-Lewis was asked to explain his decision in an interview with W magazine that November, he couldn't. The star had just finished shooting 2017's "Phantom Thread," which would end up being his final film, and he shared that the decision also took him by surprise. "Before making the film, I didn't know I was going to stop acting," he said. Rather, he was overcome by an inexplicable sadness while working on the movie and, in the end, he felt he had to walk away. "The work can seem vital. Irresistible, even," Day-Lewis mused. "And if an audience believes it, that should be good enough for me, but, lately, it isn't."

And just like that, the talented actor disappeared from the spotlight and has rarely been seen since. In May 2023, Page Six spotted him in New York City for the first time in four years, and he appeared nothing like the man who was a red-carpet staple. Wearing a jogging suit and baseball cap, Day-Lewis seemingly looked disheveled with his gray hair coming down to his shoulders.
